Monday, December 15, 2008

Open House at Big Creek tomorrow, Dec. 16, 2008

Linda and I have had so much fun getting ready for the open house she is having for her colleagues from Oakland Elementary School tomorrow. It has rained so much today that I haven't been able to finish decorating the outside Christmas trees but they are at least started. I have, so far three small trees and one large one mostly done. Last year I did eight of them. We figure that very few people will show up but that's alright because will at least have most every thing done before the Christmas guests show up on the 23.

One day this past week I drove out Yukon road and found the Christmas tree farm I went to last year. the tree from last year was really a wonderful tree and never dropped a needle. It was a type of Leyland cypress, which is the only kind Janette is for sure not allergic to. It gives her congestive problems to be in the same area with a live tree. Not Leylands, however. The tree is in the sun room all decorated with Linda's and other people's hand made ornaments. The sun room is a new spot we are trying this year, so far it is working out well.

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