Vegetables from the garden. The Egg plants have done better than they have in many years. We are having them several different ways. Dave and Lynn had me up for dinner on Thursday night and we had Zucchini Lasagne with Venison, using the squash in place of the noodles. They brought down two servings the next day. Linda and I had them for dinner that Friday night after she got back from Knoxville. Today she is making much the same sort of dish which we will have for dinner and freeze some of it for later in the fall.

Turk's Cap lily finally blooming at Big Creek. I bought it five years ago or more at Perimeter college and planted it in the garden between the house and the creek.For the first time this year it has blooms. It tried once before but the deer ate the buds before it had a chance to open.

Moon flowers blooming near the side gate. I recently finished the book, "The Moon Flower Vine" and enjoyed it very much. It was a more of a "chick book" but still interesting.