Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today was a beautiful day in the mountains of N. Georgia. The temperature was quite cold this morning and although it heated up considerably through the day it never got very warm. Linda and I drove over to the Blue Ridge farmer's market for their Harvest Festival. It was pretty nice. Peyton met us there. He mainly came to see one of his sculptures he had made at a metal company a month or so ago that had a booth there at the Harvest Festival and had his sculpture displayed. It looked really good and I saw a lot of people stopping to look at it. They were impressed, you could tell.

Yesterday Tammy C. stopped by with a friend (Valerie) for a visit and it was fun getting to catch up some with her.  Tammy brought us some home made Feta cheese that was incredible. Susan C. had made it and sent it to us by Tammy. She had mixed sun dried tomatoes in one batch and basil in the! I have to try this and soon.

We watched the Georgia game and later the Alabama game that came on at 9:00.

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