Sunday, January 2, 2011

The weekend

Sunday morning we woke up, had coffee and a breakfast of fresh fruit with Greek Yogurt and home made granola. Most of the morning we sat around the fireplace, visited and watched the grands play with their new toys. Later we went for a walk down the road around 10:00. Peyton put together a little wooden fire truck Brayden and Bricen received as a gift for Christmas before we went on our walk. It came unassembled, had a number of pieces and took him much of the morning to put it together. They were thrilled! It was a pleasant day for a walk considering, this is January the second. Knowing that just a few days ago the snow was eight inches and deeper here, made the day even more special. The sun was shining and it was warm enough not to be so miserable and cold.

Following the walk Peyton left, after many "good byes" and drove back to Chattanooga as he has to work tomorrow. Both of the little boys are crazy about Peyton and he really loves them back a great deal. Peyton and Bric are natural puppet masters with the hand puppets we gave the boys. They manipulate the little inanimate puppets with such percision that you cannot help but laugh your butt off. The boys loved the puppet theater we gave them for Christmas and Bric and Peyton used it and the puppets with perfection to entertain  them. Bric, Janette and the boys left after we had a lunch of sandwiches and chips. It was so fun to have all of the family here for new years eve, new years day and this morning.

Yesterday was really fun also, even though it rained like crazy and was basically a lousy day, weather wise. Many of the relatives came over from Georgia and Alabama for lunch and present swap for the little ones. We had beef tenderloin, Pork BBQ, Brunswick stew (Jean and Ellen brought), green bean casserole (that Ralph and Bill brought) along with a delicious shrimp and pasta with an Alfredo sauce, Asian salad and more, yum! Lisa brought a Glorified Brownie and others brought assorted things(to numerous to mention), all of which were delicious. Black eyed peas and collards  were served, just in case there is some truth in the old wife's tale that the former brings good luck and the latter brings riches, if they are eaten on new years day. That evening after everyone left, Bric and I had a couple of drinks from a bottle of Crown Royal, blended Canadian whiskey, Cask #16 that he brought from Birmingham. We mixed it with soda and it was amazing. The whiskey was a gift from a client and was without a doubt the best drinking whisky I have ever tasted. It defies description! If you are a drinker you must try this even if you have to rob the liquor store!

It really is a shame that we, as a family live so far apart and see each other so infrequently. It is easy to care deeply for the members of my family. Those to whom we are related to by blood and those to whom we are related to by choice, you all are great. I love you. As we begin to disappear I know my only regret will be that we did not see each other often enough and I rarely told you all how much I loved you.

Assorted photos from the weekend

Jill, Janette, Bricen and Bric

Will, Jill and Bricen, playing with hand puppetts

Janette and Jesse

Brayden on the walk

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