A Much Needed Rain on
raining here this late Friday afternoon, slow and steady. The low hanging
clouds have pushed in with a vengeance after so many days and weeks without
precipitation. The dry earth has lapped up the moisture like a thirsty sponge and
is once again soft and pliant to the foot step. The rain started late this morning
without a rumble or grievance and has continued on and off for most of the day.
Settling the dirt road and rinsing its dust from the passing cars off the leaves
and petals of the flocked blackberry bushes that are blooming in full tilt; the
rain has rejuvenated this small valley. Time for blackberry winter is now but
it seems that it is not going to happen this year, much to the consternation of
the old timers who believe in a requisite cold spell during blackberry bloom as
certainly as they believe is gravity.
hanging clouds conceal the tops of the trees and even the tops of the mountains
obscuring visibility. It appears as though you are viewing them through a gauze
curtain, so muted, soft and impressionistic. The half moon so visible and
present here last night unsullied up in the firmament will make no appearance
here this evening. The humidity is at one hundred percent and it is refreshing
after so long with little or no relief from the parched weather. The way the
thirsty earth comes alive and greens in response to the rain and again turns supple
with the bountiful moisture is remarkable. With the overcast conditions here tonight
the distant trees seem ghostly and as if you are seeing them in a dream. The
now brilliant spring greens are more of a muted bluish grey than the actual
color they are throughout the day when the sun is shining. For some reason when
you walk outside while the weather is like it is here this evening, everything
seems quieter more hushed and muted. It is similar to someone whispering into
your ear but you can’t quite comprehend what they are saying. No matter how hard
you strain to hear, it is imperceptible. You can feel their breath and instinctually
know what they are conveying but not in understandable words, intuitively more than
anything else. You just know. It’s like that here this evening, a waiting for
something to happen, a phone to ring or a meteor to stripe the night sky on a
clear evening. It is a moment filled with possibilities, a great secret yet to
be conveyed that seems more pressing as the night grows darker by the second.
This time of day, especially when
it is raining is like that moment just before you fall asleep as you utterly relax
and begin to lose consciousness. It is a giving up, a surrender, a small death.